Thousands of people might know well about Excel, they play it as a daily tool in their work. However, the datas between each single Excel are normally unable to repeat, exchange and share theirselves automatically. If we consider Excel as brick, then a house will not be built without laying bricks. The appearance of BC Excel Server is to figure out the issue of how to build the house by laying the disheveled bricks. Nevertheless, there are plenty of voice in the space about what exactly that monster is? Is it another type of spreadsheet or a kind of BI (Business Intelligence) analysis tool or database or ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), OA (Office Automation) etc? The answer is negative. Excel Server is similar as that is a platform and EAI (Enterprise Application Integration) based on the spreadsheet Excel that enables people to manage their data by building their own MIS (Management Information System) such as ERP, OA, CRM. Hence, there is no strict definition about Excel Server. It seems to be like a develop tool but it is also able to deal with the spreadsheet and visually manage the system develop by itself. Excel Server delivers a rich set of integrated combo that enable the users to do more with their data such as query, search, synchronize, report, and analyze in the MIS they had made. To conclusion, BC Excel Server might be consider as a frame of the house that has integrated the laying brick where its inner system will support and maintain the house running as well. With all of the service BC Excel Server provide, it is easy to load a proposal to the people by BC that everyone is able to be an software engineer4. Powerful automatic business strategy managemen tredundancy and maintenance cost.
Related Searches: Excel, Excel Server, Excel2000, Excel2003, Excel XP, Excel 2007, MIS, ERP, CRM, BUSINESS
Recent Changes: Support query via mobile phone; access control enhancements; new data types,Fix some bug
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: IIS, .NET Framework, Excel, SQL Server