CAG works in 2 modes. Features of menu driven mode are 1. Demo Video which shows how to create Menus. 2. Uses very less System Resources as compared to other Autorun makers. 3. Independently placed buttons(called Menu Spot) 4. Tool Tip Text and rollover Image for buttons. 5. Rollover sound for buttons. 6. Button Click Sound. 7. Button Actions You can set the buttons to do any number of things including: Playing of Video File. Open a file in the Users viewer. Start any program or open any file. Open a directory in MS Windows Explorer. Open an Internet Site in the Users browser. Open a pre-defined addressed email. Open an mp3 playlist to autoplay an mp3 Cd normally not possible. Open any sound or video file etc. Do no action. Exit the application. 8. Cd icon and Cd text that will appear on the menu and a sound file can be specified that will be played when the Cd is inserted. 9. Can add Splash Screen 10. Custom Mouse Icon for each Menu Spot And many more features which cannot be expressed here.Just try it out.
Related Searches: cd autorun, cd autoplay, autorun cd creator, autostart, autostart cd, Cd launcher, autoplay menu builder, cd menu
Recent Changes: Add splash Screen,New custom action playing video file,addition of custom mouse icon fro menu spot,Automatic Loading of Last Saved Project,deletion of Menu spot,Automatic detection of Changing of root folders path
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Pentium II (300 MHZ & above) or equivalent, 32 Mb Min Ram,Cd writer