Share your video clips online the fun and easy way. Send it via e-mail or put it online in a Web site by just a few simple clicks. Select from tons of animated themes suitable for various occasions such as birthday, Christmas, winter holiday, pet, or baby. More themes are available for free and will be added regularly. Apply video effects such as emboss, ghost, grayscale, sepia, motion blur, mosaic with real time preview. Send your video clips via e-mail completely free by using InVideo e-mail service. Or upload it into your free 60 MB InVideo personal Web site.
Add an external soundtrack from your own MP3 music file, CD audio, or from InVideo build in music library. Publish your video as an HTML and a SWF file. You can then integrate the SWF file into a larger project using other software such as Macromedia Flash. Integrate video into an animated photo slide show created with InAlbum. It has been tested and works on Windows Vista.
Related Searches: share video, convert video to flash, upload video, email video, publish video
Recent Changes: More compatible to Flash Player 10
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Windows 98/me/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server/Vista, DirectX 8.0 drivers