Attachment Extractor for Outlook Express is a simple, yet smart tool for extracting files attached to Outlook Express emails. The application will help you to process an unlimited number of messages automatically without need for any manual intervention. Attachment Extractor for Outlook Express features a simple, one-window interface that displays Outlook Express local folders and the messages stored in each of them. The user can process all messages together or just selected emails that belong to a particular sender(s), receiver(s) or any specified time period. Also, the user can select to process only those messages that have a particular subject string. The application allows you to specify whether you want to extract all attachment files or look for some specific content, such as image files or files with a certain extension. Processed files can be placed into any user-defined folder together, or sorted out by an email sender, email address, subject or date and placed into separate subfolders. You can remove attachments from messages. This unique feature allows you to considerably reduce the size of your mailboxes and it means that Outlook Express will work much faster and become more stable. Attached files removed from messages will be saved to a separate folder on your hard disk and only shortcuts to these files will remain in messages.
Related Searches: outlook attachment, outlook attachments, mail attachment, mail attachments, attachment, attachment extract, attachments extract
Recent Changes: Now the creation time of the extracted attachment files is set to the time when the message was received. This means you will be able to sort extracted attachment files by date.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Outlook Express 5.0, 5.01, 5.5 or 6.0